- Baterial soap Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Analysis of Variance
- Source: Student project
- Number of Cases: 32
- Excerpt: A student investigated just how effective washing with soap is in eliminating bacteria. To do this she tested four different methods—washing with water only, washing with regular soap, washing with antibacterial soap (ABS), and spraying hands with antibacterial spray (AS) (containing 65% ethanol as an active ingredient). Her experiment consisted of one experimental factor, the […]
- Batteries Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Multifactor Analysis of Variance
- Source: student experiment
- Number of Cases: 16
- Excerpt: A student experiment was run to test theperformance of 4 brands of batteries under 2 different Environments (room temperature and cold). For each of the 8 treatments, 2 batteries of a particular brand were put into a flashlight. The flashlight was then turned on and allowed to run until the light went out. The number […]
- Beer_and_wine_yearly Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Center, Display Quantitative Variable, Shape, Spread, Summaries
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 88
- Excerpt: The data hold the annual per capita beer, wine, and spirits consumption (in gallons) in America from 1850 to 2010. There is a gap between 1919 and 1934 for Prohibition, during which there was no officially recognized consumption.
- Beer_consumption Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Center, Display Quantitative Variable, Shape, Spread, Summaries
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 30
- Excerpt: These are the annual numbers of per capita beer consumption (in gallons) in America from 1981 to 2010.
- Being_successful Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Quality Control, Tables
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 16
- Excerpt: In a random sample of U.S. adults surveyed in December 2011, Pew Research asked how important it is “to you personally” to be successful in a high-paying career or profession. Responses are recorded by sex and age.
- Belmont_stakes_2015 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods:
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 147
- Excerpt: The Belmont Stakes is the last and longest of the three horse races that make up the Triple Crown. Curiously, in some of the Belmont races horses have run clockwise around the track, and in others they have run counterclockwise. Do the horses care? But note that the length of the race has also not […]
- Bike_safety_2015 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Data Display, Summaries
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 22
- Excerpt: The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institutewebsite includes a report on the number of bicycle fatalities per year in the United States. The data gives the counts for the years 1994–2015.
- Bike_to_work Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods:
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 43034
- Excerpt:
- Bird_Species_2013 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Center, Data Display, Display Quantitative Variable, Shape, Spread, Summaries
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 20
- Excerpt:
- Birth_order Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Data Display, Summaries
- Source: Class poll by Velleman
- Number of Cases: 16
- Excerpt: A statistics professor at a large university polled hisstudents to find out what their majors were and what position they held in the family birth order. The results are summarized in the table.
- Birthrates_2015 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: R-squared, Regression, Residuals
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 11
- Excerpt: Births per 1000 population in the United States, starting in 1965. There has been concern that the birthrate may be declining. A good model for tends in birthrate may allow for some prediction.
- Blood_Pressure Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Conditional Distribution, Contingency Tables, Tables
- Source: Realistic data
- Number of Cases: 474
- Excerpt: Does blood pressure, on average, change with age. The data here are two categorical variables: Blood pressure categorized as High, Normal, Low, and Age categorized as under 30, 30-49, and over 50.