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  • Methods: Boxplots, Center, Comparing Groups, Conditional Distribution, Contingency Tables, Display Quantitative Variable, Outliers, Re-expression, Shape, Spread, Summaries
  • Source: https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/
  • Number of Cases: 3676
  • Story:

    President Obama announced the redesigned College Scorecard to give students and families the most reliable, comprehensive, nationally comparable data ever produced on institutional outcomes. These include statistics on debt, federal loan repayment, completion rates, and post-college earnings of alumni in an easy-to-understand format. Key to boosting college completion is ensuring that students and families have information to support them in applying to and enrolling in a school that will help them achieve their educational goals. Also important is helping students and their families obtain financial aid by making it easier and faster for them to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To that end, the Administration has also taken major steps to streamline the FAFSA. Most families can now electronically retrieve their tax information filed for an earlier year to use on the FAFSA, rather than waiting until tax season to complete their applications. In addition, students and families can apply for financial aid earlier—starting in October, as the college application process gets underway—rather than in January.


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