- Womens_Heptathlon_2024 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Standard Deviation
- Source: table compiled from several sources by Chat GPT
- Number of Cases: 21
- Excerpt: The women’s heptathlon in the Olympics consists of seven track-and-field events: the 200 m and 800 m runs, 100 m high hurdles, shot put, javelin, high jump, and long jump. Each contestant is awarded points for each event based on her performance. So, which performance deserves more points? It’s not clear how to compare them. […]
- Womens_short_track_2018 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods:
- Source:–_Women's_500_metres
- Number of Cases: 29
- Excerpt: The Women’s 500 metres in short track speed skating at the 2018 Winter Olympics took place from 10 to 13 February 2018 at the Gangneung Ice Arena in Gangneung, South Korea.The defending champion from 2014, Li Jianrou, had retired, but the 2014 silver medalist Arianna Fontana competed and eventually won the event. Elise Christie and […]
- Womens_speed_skating_2006 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Blocking, Paired Data
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 35
- Excerpt: Speed-skating races are run in pairs. Two skaters start at the same time, one on the inner lane and one on the outer lane. Halfway through the race, they cross over, switching lanes so that each will skate the same distance in each lane. Even though this seems fair, at the 2006 Olympics some fans […]
- Work_week Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Blocking, Nonparametric Methods, Paired Data
- Source: Charles S. Catlin, “Four-day Work Week Improves Environment,” Journal of Environmental Health, Denver, 59:7, 1997.
- Number of Cases: 11
- Excerpt: Do flexible work schedules reduce the demand for resources? The Lake County, Illinois, Health Department experimented with a flexible four-day workweek. For a year, the department recorded the mileage driven by 11 field workers on an ordinary five-day workweek. Then it changed to a flexible four-day workweek and recorded mileage for another year.
- Working_parents Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Chi Square Tests
- Source: Unknown
- Number of Cases: 5
- Excerpt: The Gallup Poll published results of data collected from a large sample of adults in the 27 European Union member states. One of the questions asked was, “Which is the most practicable and realistic option for child care, taking into account the need to earn a living?” The data give counts are representative of the […]
- World_cup_shootouts Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Data Display, Summaries
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 275
- Excerpt: Tied games after the group stage in the World Cup tournament are settled with a penalty shootout, with the two teams alternating turns taking penalty kicks. The data give the outcome of each penalty kick by kick order (for up to 5 kicks) of each penalty shootout between 1978 and 2018. Kick order = 1 […]
- World_data Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Multiple Regression
- Source: The world factbook
- Number of Cases: 240
- Excerpt:
- World_happiness_2020 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Normal model, R-squared, Regression, Residuals, Standard Deviation
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 153
- Excerpt: The World Happiness Report is an annual report published by the United Nations that studies the happiness levels of individuals per country along with other measures of wellbeing. For each of 153 countries, the report provides a happiness score, computed as the average happiness score of the country’s respondents, individually provided on a scale of […]
- Years_to_live_2016 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Regression
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 22
- Excerpt: Insurance companies and other organizations use actuarial tables to estimate the remaining lifespans of their customers. The data file gives estimated life expectancy and additional years of life for black males in the United States, according to a 2016 National Vital Statistics Report, A regression model to predict Life expectancy from Age appears to fit […]
- Years_to_live_2017 Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Outliers, Re-expression, Regression, Residuals
- Source:
- Number of Cases: 101
- Excerpt: Insurance companies and other organizations use actuarial tables to estimate the remaining lifespans of their customers. The data file gives estimated life expectancy (additional years of life) for black males in the United States, according to a 2017 National Vital Statistics Report, A regression model to predict Life expectancy from Age appears to fit well, […]
- Yeast Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Analysis of Variance
- Source: From student experiment (De Veaux)
- Number of Cases: 16
- Excerpt:
- Yogurt Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?
- Methods: Blocking, Confidence Intervals for Means, Hypothesis Tests, Hypothesis Tests for Means, Paired Data
- Source: Consumer Reports Volume unknown
- Number of Cases: 11
- Excerpt: Consumer Reports tested 11 brands of vanilla yogurt and found these numbers of calories per serving.