- Tsunamis_2018Download .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?Link
- Methods: Data Display
- Source: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/hazard/tsu_db.shtmlExtracted Event Validity 3 and 4Cause Codes 1-5Event Validity:4 = definite tsunami3 = probable tsunami2 = questionable tsunami1 = very doubtful tsunami0 = event that only caused a seiche or disturbance in an inland river-1 = erroneous entryCause Code:Valid values: 0 to 11The source of the tsunami:0 = Unknown1 = Earthquake2 = Questionable Earthquake3 = Earthquake and Landslide4 = Volcano and Earthquake5 = Volcano, Earthquake, and Landslide6 = Volcano7 = Volcano and Landslide8 = Landslide9 = Meteorological10 = Explosion11 = Astronomical Tide
- Number of Cases: 1116
- Story:
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