• FraminghamDownload .TXT file Open in Data Desk ?Link
  • Methods: Boxplots, Comparing Groups, Confidence Intervals for Means, Correlation, Hypothesis Tests, Hypothesis Tests for Means, Multiple Regression Inference, Outliers, Re-expression, Regression, Regression Inference, Scatterplot, Test for Difference between Two Groups
  • Source: "Statistical Methods in Epidemiology" by H.A.Kahn and C.T.Sempos
  • Number of Cases: 1406
  • Story:

    The Framingham Heart Study is one of the longest running health studies. It has followed original subjects, their children, and their grand children, looking for factors that affect cardiac health.
    These data only include
    subjects whose cholesterol was measured in the first exam.
    Source: “Statistical Methods in Epidemiology” by H.A.Kahn and C.T.Sempos

    SBP: Systolic blood pressure at first exam
    DBP: Diastolic blood pressure at first exam
    CHOL: Serum choloesterol at first exam
    FRW : Framingham relative weight; a standardized measure of weight adjusted for sex and height
    CIG: Number of cigarettes smoked/day at first exam
    DEATH: First biannual exam missed due to death; 0=”alive at tenth biannual exam.” (This exam wasgiven in the 18th year of the study.)
    CAUSE: 0=aliv e at exam 10, 1=Coronary Heart Disease (sudden), 2=CHD (not sudden), 3=Stroke,4=Other cardiovascular disease, 5=cancer, 6=other


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